Testimonials – James

James’ Story

Prior to me coming to Our Father’s House I was lost, broken, and spiritually empty with no family that wanted to talk to me after countless empty promises of change. I was living life as a 26-year-old child with a destined future in hell. It was at Our Fathers House where I was reminded the importance of honesty, integrity, personal responsibility, and above all, Jesus loves me.

Going through the house I was able to see that God was giving me the hope and strength to deal with the challenges I had created in my life. That I could be emotionally honest with the men in my house without being judged. I was blown away by all the support.

In my life today I continue to pursue Jesus Christ, have my family back, pay my own bills, revived my online fitness coaching business and God willing, able to pursue a welding apprenticeship in Richmond, Virginia. I wouldn’t be where I am today and have the relationship with God like I do without the help of Our Fathers House.